Chief Justice Canady discusses remote technology with The Florida Bar

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact Florida's justice system and its legal profession. But there already are indications of ways it will lead to permanent reforms based on solutions the court system developed to confront the COVID crisis. Some of these reforms have long-term value.

January 29, 2021 Florida Bar Board of Governor's Zoom meeting

One important way, said Florida's Chief Justice Charles Canady in an address to The Florida Bar on Jan. 29, 2021, is in the widespread use of remote technology. Adopted initially to keep cases moving through the system despite the pandemic, remote proceedings now have proven their value as a way to cut costs and reduce the impact on people who otherwise might have to leave jobs or other duties to go to a courthouse.

January 29, 2021 Florida Bar Board of Governor's Zoom meeting

Remote proceedings will never fully substitute for some important features of the justice system, such as jury trials. But they can cut costs and make access to justice less expensive and more convenient in many other ways, Canady said. As a result, the Florida Supreme Court and the Bar will explore reforms to the Rules of Court to incorporate remote proceedings in the future so long as they comply with constitutional guarantees.

Canady's remarks came as part of an annual address to the Bar's Board of Governors, the state legal profession's main governing body. One of many duties that fall upon the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court is the regulation and supervision of the state's legal profession. The annual meeting is part of the Florida Supreme Court's oversight.

By Florida Supreme Court Public Information Office
Last Modified: January 29, 2021