Chief Justice Muñiz Presents Award for Judicial Excellence to Orange County Judge Tina Caraballo

The Honorable Tina L. Caraballo

The Honorable Tina L. Caraballo received the 2022 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence from Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos G. Muñiz on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at the Annual Education Program of the Conference of County Court Judges. Judge Caraballo, elected Orange County Judge in 2014, currently serves as the County Court Administrative Judge and presides over the county civil division.

The Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence, established in 2015, recognize one county court judge and one circuit judge who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the judicial branch and who personify judicial excellence, embodying qualities such as strength of character, integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, sound judgment, professional ethics, intellectual courage, compassion, and decisiveness.

During the COVID pandemic, Judge Caraballo worked to streamline and improve court operations. She developed and executed a plan to commence pre-trial conferences virtually and redistributed the backlog of cases which dramatically reduced wait times – improving access to justice across the county. Additionally, she developed a case management system for small claims court which not only kept litigants apprised and informed about their case but ensured all litigants would be treated equally and fairly in every courtroom. Judge Caraballo also innovated county civil operations through the use of new technology to conduct hybrid hearings so litigants and witnesses could appear in person or virtually.

This leadership and commitment to the judicial branch led Chief Justice Muñiz to award Judge Caraballo the 2022 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence.

Judge Caraballo began her career in public service as a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Specialist for the United States Army before practicing law.

Since she was elected to the bench, Judge Caraballo has presided over criminal and civil divisions and Veterans Treatment Court. She currently serves as Orange County’s Administrative Judge.

“She has consistently demonstrated her professionalism and patience, her deep understanding of the law, and her commitment to those who appear before her,” stated Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Lisa T. Munyon.

Judge Caraballo is also committed to the Orange County legal community and volunteers for moot court and mock trial competitions at the high school and collegiate levels. She mentors new judges and lawyers and is an active member of several organizations, including the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida and the Central Florida Association of Women Lawyers.

A colleague, Ninth Circuit Judge Alice L. Blackwell, reflected on Judge Caraballo’s leadership during the pandemic recovery time as “quiet, fair, open-minded, inclusive, and compassionate.”

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By Office of the State Courts Administrator
Last Modified: July 14, 2022